Alexis Texas - Is a Hot One (Twistys)

Alexis Texas - Its a Hot One

Model: Alexis Texas πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’ (5 hearts of 5, plus the mine πŸ˜‹)
Set name: Its a Hot One by Twistys
Published on: 29th June 2009

Download this set of wallpapers that were made with the photoshot session called "Its a Hot One" with the leyendary and totally amazin model: Alexis Texas πŸ₯°
"Where the wildflowers bloom, their sweet fragrance delights all who wander near.
She ignites hearts in her wake, radiating fire like the  sun.
Her eyes, like prisms, reflect the most beautiful sunsets,
Her voice, like a symphony, the sound of pleasure."
The last time I saw the Alexis' podcast called "Private Talk with Alexis Texas",she make a courios question to the guest... she said, "Do you think love is blind?", and I keep thinking about it from some nigths:

And I think that love is not blind at all, and I think it is totally objective. I guess it sight depens on the degree of emotional maturity and intelligence one has. In my opinion, that's what separates a "good person" from a "bad person." πŸ€” How you love determines what you value most and what you want to surround yourself with; keep the focus on specific aspects and minimize other aspects that are not important.  e.g., if all I look for in a woman is her appearance, I think it's just awful, empty, and frivolous; after all, I don't think it could bring the same joy that love (every single aspect of a person or woman in this example), being that frivolous brings just some temporal satisfaction, which minimizes the aspects that could help to develop a healthy relationship.
πŸ€”In some sense, I think that the phrase "love at first sight" is a somewhat inmature phrase. Maybe there are some magical moments where the paths of two people cross by casuality... But I don't think they could love immediately at first sight; maybe "Desire at first sight" is most properly😁... Maybe it easily lays the foundations, but it also requires more time to build the full bridge between two hearts than just a few instants.

I do remember when I first saw her (like ten years ago), I got captivated by her femenine atributes... πŸ€”... πŸ‘πŸ‘€ yes.... and for me she was just one of houndred thousand of other cute girls that do the same (Little Prince, reference). In some sense, my "love" was blind by my jerkiness and inmaturity (unable to recognize what's important for me, and for others), becouse just liked to focus on the superfice of the womans beauty... πŸ‘πŸ‘€ yes.

One year ago, or something like that. I started to re-use my Twitter, or "X," to promote the stuff I am doing here, following the instructions in the blogger's manual. I saw her again, but this time after some vicissitudes and a new focus (Love sigth)... I started to see her other kinds of attributes that I find really atractive and really lovely πŸ₯°πŸ’•.... Sure, I keep enjoying all of her physical appearance...  πŸ’ƒπŸ‘€ yes.
Looking her at her podcast, where I can see small bits of her human side; I can see and enjoy her warm personality, her kind nature and her emotional intelligence, is the type of beauty that cannot be captured by the pictures that have been used to make these wallpapers. πŸ˜ŠπŸ’ (Another "Little Prince" reference, it seems.πŸ€”)
The wallpapers are somewhat simple; I based the full design on those USA downtown murals that have the name of the state and a small collage inside the letters... Those are cool.😎 I also added some vintage western elements with modern effects of lighting and coloring.
Among these wetern elements there is a phrase "Go big or go home", that its one of Alexis' motto. Plus, I tried to be fun πŸ˜… (tried πŸ˜‚) and added a "Wanted: Dead or Alive" sign but with an small change "Hot or Sweet".... It was the best thing I could think of. πŸ˜‚
The first wallpapers, made up of a warm color palette, represent a sunset. ☀, the second is quite obvious: the color of Texas' flag... And in the last one, I used a mix of vintage colors 😎.... Since I ran out of pics, I only made one of each variant.

To see more about downtown murals:

Wallpapers HD (1920×1080)

Alexis Texas - Its a Hot One  - Wallpaper 1
Wallpaper 1 (1080p)
Alexis Texas - Its a Hot One - Wallpaper 2
Wallpaper 2 (1080p)
Alexis Texas - Its a Hot One - Wallpaper 3
Wallpaper 3 (1080p)

All images are stored at MediaFire. Links open in a new window.

Click this link to get the entire bundle:

Note: The link to download the complete bundle may include ads as part of the download process. Like a free way to donate πŸ™‚. Thanks.

Aditional and Required Attributions (or Stuff used to make the wallpapers):


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